Established in 1997, the Green Mountain Film Festival is a non-competitive festival showcasing narrative, documentary, and experimental features and shorts from all over the world - nestled in downtown Montpelier, Vermont
Now is the time to give to the 24th Annual Green Mountain Film Festival - coming out of the cold to celebrate cinema and community in Downtown Montpelier March 13-16, 2025!
The team is ramping up for another stellar festival this coming March. We are looking forward to seeing you all again real soon. But we could use your help: the Green Mountain Film Festival relies on donations to fund a good portion of the operations.
βGreat curation, wonderful gatherings for filmmakers, and engaged post-screenings conversations - grateful to be part of it.β ~ John Killacky, Vermont Filmmaker
The Green Mountain Film Festival is returning to Montpelier and Central Vermont in March 2025 and we are grateful for your support to make this coming yearβs festival a beautiful and expansive weekend of international and local film!
Saturday's program fostered so much conversation that we hope will carry beyond the festival. From Vermont's Black farmers talking about the reparative act of land sharing to the Vermont Production Collective's discussion about whose stories get told, we are heartened to hear that what
Some of the heartwarming experiences from today included watching 90+ fourth-graders walk from school over to the Savoy for the cinematic treat of Robot Dreams, listening to the stories of longtime festival goers as we assist them with their movie schedule, and the introductions we've been able to
Phew! Pictures will come later. For now, we want to say a hearty thanks for everyone who came by the hub--we got to meet so many new and returning folks and talk with you all about your hopes and dreams for this event. Festival volunteers also were the best--you brought
What a wonderful session at the Montpelier High School today showcasing local youth film projects. We also met alot of you who came to the Festival Hub and whom we met when we were out an about delivering guidebooks today. We will be at the Hub starting at 9 AM